Growth, connection and impact: an induction to the ITF way

Joining the International Tree Foundation is not just about stepping into a new role; it's about embarking on a transformative journey that bridges the gap between environmental stewardship and community development.

As a newly appointed Communications Officer, my induction experience has been nothing short of extraordinary. This unique journey, shared with fellow new team members, offered a profound glimpse into ITF’s impactful work across the Rift Valley.

Our adventure began in Nairobi, where we set off to immerse ourselves in the vibrant tapestry of the Rift Valley's landscapes and communities. The journey itself was a metaphor for the ITF experience: a blend of breath-taking natural beauty and meaningful human connections. Traveling alongside my supervisors and new colleagues, I built relationships that will form the foundation of my work, gathering invaluable material for storytelling and communications efforts.

The induction was meticulously designed to offer first hand exposure to ITF's initiatives and the remarkable partnerships driving them. We met with key stakeholders, including regional forest conservators and community-based organisations, learning about the intricacies of forest management and community engagement. From schools fostering a culture of environmental stewardship among youth to community projects integrating sustainable livelihoods with reforestation, each encounter reinforced the deep impact of ITF's work.

One of the most inspiring aspects of this journey was witnessing the interconnectedness of environmental conservation and economic empowerment. Visiting project sites, we saw how energy-efficient cooking stoves and reforestation efforts are transforming lives, particularly for women in local communities. These projects not only restore the environment but also provides sustainable incomes and boosts quality of life.

Each day of the induction was themed to highlight different facets of ITF's work. From exploring new horizons in Bahati Forest to discovering hidden gems in the Aberdare ecosystem, the experience was a comprehensive immersion into ITF’s mission to transform landscapes and lives. The themes of fostering environmental stewardship among youth, strengthening community roots, and overcoming challenges were interwoven throughout our journey, offering a holistic understanding of ITF's approach.

A standout moment was our visit to a primary school where students proudly showcased the trees they had planted and nurtured. Their enthusiasm was a testament to the power of environmental education and the potential to cultivate future custodians of the environment. Despite challenges such as water scarcity and the need for adequate fencing, the resilience and dedication of the students and our partner organisations shone through.

This induction was not just about observing; it was about participating and contributing to ongoing efforts. Engaging with the community, understanding their needs, and seeing the direct impact of ITF's initiatives reinforced the importance of collaboration and adaptability. It was a learning experience that underscored the necessity of continuous monitoring and the integration of traditional knowledge with innovative approaches.

As ITF continues to grow, welcoming new team members and expanding its reach, the induction process remains a vital component of our journey. It provides a deep dive into the organisation's values and practices, ensuring that every team member is equipped to contribute meaningfully to our shared mission.

My induction at ITF was a journey of growth, connection, and impact. It was an enriching experience that showcased the organisation's commitment to creating a greener, more sustainable future. Through this journey, I have gained a profound appreciation for the work we do and the incredible communities we serve. I look forward to sharing these stories and insights, inspiring others to join us in our mission to restore and protect our natural world.


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