Our work in the
UK and Ireland
ITF’s UK Programme helps communities embrace and champion their local trees and green spaces. Our work is all about bringing people together for trees through projects like planting new community woodlands, creating orchards, or showing how trees and time in nature can boost wellbeing and mental health.
Looking to make your
local area greener?
ITF provides grants to registered groups of all shapes and sizes - whether you're a school, parish council, to church group or environmental society.
We know that every project is unique, so our grants are flexible to fit your needs, whatever your size and vision.
Why plant trees in the UK?
The UK, once covered in vast, ancient forests, now has one of the lowest rates of tree cover in Europe – just 13%! Over centuries, our biodiversity has been stripped away for farming, urban development, infrastructure and commerce. It's a devastating loss that we're only now beginning to reckon with.
But there's finally a push to restore what we've lost and increase our tree cover and with is a recognition of the incredible power of trees for wildlife, people and planet.
Join us as we plant, protect and promote the silent work that trees do to help us all.

Healing in the Outdoors
Trees and nature have an incredible healing power. Our Healing in the Outdoors project is all about bringing the joy and benefits of the outdoors to everyone, no matter their circumstances. Thanks to the generous backing of the Swire Foundation and collaboration with local partners, this project is opening up access to nature and green spaces to those who otherwise might not have the chance.
Oxfordshire is one of our most tree depleted counties, but want to see it bursting with leaves. So each autumn we give away free trees for gardens across the Oxfordshire. Run in partnership with Community Action Groups Oxfordshire, we distribute trees through a wonderful network of volunteer groups, parish councils, local garden centres and food banks.