Our Indiegogo Campaign is on the Way - Save Kafuga Forest!

30 days of June to raise funds and help to SAVE KAFUGA FOREST!

We are Launching a new Indiegogo campaign and asking you to help us protect and save such an important Forest in Uganda.

Kafuga Pocket Forest is under threat as tea growers want to clear it to make new plantations. Kafuga is part of a landscape of international importance and the richest conservation area in Uganda owing to the exceptional diversity of its flora and fauna.

Kafuga Forest is on the fringes of the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park – a UNESCO World Heritage site in South West Uganda which is home to many different species of plants and animals and 400 of the world’s remaining 880 Mountain Gorillas. This critically endangered species will come under greater threat if the deforestation goes ahead.

For the local villagers, Kafuga Forest is very important. It is:

  • the source of water, fruits, poles and fodder for the cattle;

  • the forest that helps to bring rain for the crops;

  • their home, where local people have always lived and have developed their cultural heritage for their children to enjoy.

With this campaign we are supporting Pro-Biodiversity Conservationists in Uganda (PROBICOU), a non-governmental organisation active in the area and committed to protect Kafuga Pocket Forest against deforestation, to save it from encroachment, restore already lost sections by planting trees and providing for its sustainable management.

The goals are:

  • to map the forest

  • secure its boundaries

  • engage the local community and local government in its conservation

  • preserve this precious ecosystem against commercial interests.

When we raise enough funds and meet our target PROBICOU will be able to restore Kafuga Forest by planting 30,000 native trees.

Become part of the campaign!

Your donation will help to save around 250 hectares of Kafuga Pocket Forest in Uganda*

*All funds raised toward our target will go to PROBICOU to map and protect the Forest. Any extra funds over the target will go towards funding similar International Tree Foundation natural forest preservation and restoration projects.


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Save Uganda’s Kafuga Forest!


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