What Fruit-full Communities project truly meant to young people

1,117 young people inspired to get outdoors

688 fruit trees planted

42 orchards created across the UK

Have you seen the new Fruit-full Communities legacy video? We’re so excited to share it with you. It was such a pleasure visiting the young residents who benefited from our very special orchard project and brought it to life. Hear from them first-hand telling us what the Fruit-full Communities project meant to them.

It’s made me realise how calm I can be, rather than always relying on anger and other substitutes
— Daniel Marshall (Participant)

The project has been led by Learning Through Landscapes in partnership with ITF, The Orchard Project and YMCA England & Wales and has been funded by the Big Lottery Fund under the umbrella of Our Bright Future. Over the course of the three years, orchards have been planted at 42 sites across England and Wales.


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Support communities across the UK to plant trees for improved mental health and wellbeing.


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