News and views
Discover the latest stories from our partners and the impact your generous donation is making for people and planet. And read our views on the issues facing our environment and the communities we work with.
What the Sycamore Gap tells us about our relationship with trees
“This act of vandalism is all the harder to come to terms with because of its sheer pointlessness. And out of this our collective mourning of this tree has revealed a curious paradox about our relationship to nature in the UK.”
Fun-filled family days at Woodpecker Farm
This summer, two unforgettable family days unfolded at the enchanting Woodpecker Farm in Oxfordshire.
Community tree planting support for Scotland
In the past few years, we have supported many projects, from urban planting in central Glasgow to community buyouts on the Isle of Skye and we would love to continue further with this.
Restoring Mount Elgon’s degraded forest ecosystem
There is an urgent need for a holistic approach to restore degraded areas and protect this important water catchment area. One way to do this is through community-led restoration.
Grow a greener future with Plantober
In the UK, we desperately need more native trees. If you’re looking for a way to make a positive impact on the environment, join us this October for Plantober!
A time to plant
Summer ebbs away, the evenings begin to draw in and it won’t be long before the clocks change. And so the tree planting season gets under way.
Africa Climate Summit 2023
Against the backdrop of a growing climate crisis, the Africa Climate Summit brought together governments, NGOs and philanthropists, to set out concrete and sustainable solutions for a climate-resilient Africa.
The elegance of dead standing trees
If these trees are not going to cause a danger to public safety, are they not best left to stand and fall in their own time?
The unsung heroes of forest restoration
In Dundori Forest, Kenya, a group of dedicated tree scouts are earnestly monitoring, watering and protecting newly planted trees.
Away from ticking clocks
“As I perch here quietly on a fallen log I feel a gentle internal shift towards organic time. It is a peaceful summer’s day in the forest, the sun shining through the oak and beech canopy.”
A community-led effort to restore and protect Dundori Forest
How we're supporting local community forest associations and self-help groups in Nakuru County Kenya to restore and protect Dundori Forest.
How stoves can be a gamechanger for women in rural communities
Collecting the firewood is an arduous task. Women and girls can spend hours each day on it. For some, this chore is at the expense of school and an education.
On a mission to replenish Kitui County
Climate change is taking its toll. Leaving communities grappling with the fear of food insecurity and watching in horror as their rivers and streams dry out.
Evocative forests
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”
Healing Mutuluni Forest
The ever increasing demand for charcoal is devastating Kenya’s beautiful Mutuluni Forest. But thanks to brilliant trees like the neem tree, the local community is fixing it.
Restoring hope for farmers in the Rwenzori Mountains
Can coffee and vanilla farmers in Uganda boost farm productivity amidst challenging environmental conditions?
How we can harness the power of trees to create flourishing farms
How we're helping over 1,000 smallholder farmers in Meru County, Kenya to build self-sufficient livelihoods through agroforestry.
The damage of an untethered river
How upstream land degradation can have brutal knock on effects downstream.
Healing in the Outdoors
The Healing in the Outdoors project is making a positive impact in the lives of refugees and asylum seekers in Oxfordshire.
Meet Fiona Fouhy, ITF's Artist of the Year
Fiona's work captures the feeling of being in a forest. Read on to find out about her artistic process and inspiration.
Donate today to plant trees, restore forests and transform lives.
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