Help make Oxfordshire greener with our Garden Tree Giveaway

Picture a vibrant landscape filled with trees - the gentle rustling of leaves and the comforting shade of the branches during hot summer days. Unfortunately, our reality is quite different.

With only 13% of the UK covered by woodland, our precious woods and trees are under threat. And without immediate action, we face an uncertain and daunting future in the face of the climate crisis.

But there’s hope. We’ve got a plan to engage and inspire more people to plant trees for a greener, healthier and more sustainable future.

Our Garden Tree Giveaway is an exciting and fun initiative that provides local residents with free native trees and hedging to plant and nurture in their gardens.

Last autumn, we teamed up with Trees Collaborate and gifted a whopping 1,694 trees to 872 people across Oxfordshire. And this year, we want to do even more!

Our goal is to by reach out to more areas across Oxfordshire while also running a trial in Buckinghamshire, giving more people the amazing gift of trees and paving the way for a greener, healthier and sustainable future.

But we need your help to make this happen. With your support, we can make Oxfordshire greener - one native tree (and hedging) at a time.

Will you donate today? And thanks to our friends at AVIVA Community Fund, every donation you make will be tripled.

By donating today, you can help local residents across Oxfordshire plant beautiful native trees like spindle, hawthorn and birch.

In turn, these trees will provide safe refuges and vital food for wildlife, while also creating natural corridors that allow our native mammals, insects and birds to move freely and thrive. And these trees will help provide oxygen, capture carbon and keep our planet cool.

And you’ll be helping people to connect with nature through gardening.

And we know that there are multiple benefits from spending time outdoors and gardening. From lower levels of stress and anxiety levels to increased self-confidence and a sense of pride from watching trees planted grow and thrive.

Join us as we plant trees to build a greener and more sustainable for all.

Your generous gift today will help plant trees and ensure that local communities can enjoy beautiful and thriving green spaces in the years to come.


Triple your donation!

We're thrilled to announce that our friends at AVIVA Community Fund will be matching every donation you make to the Garden Tree Giveaway. Simply head over to our AVIVA Community Fund page to triple your donation and maximise your impact. Together, we can plant trees to make Oxfordshire greener and more sustainable for all.

PS: Match funding ends on 26th June 2023 

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